Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blab's Secret Santa and the new PC release...

So, sign ups have begun for the Secret Santa on Blab.  Last year I missed sign ups by a day or two and have been looking forward to it all year, but now that it's getting started, I don't know if I want to join.  I haven't been spending as much time on Blab lately and if I joined SS I would have to visit regularly in case someone posted a message to ask me questions.  Plus, I would have to post questions to ask what my partner might be interested in getting.  That part isn't exactly a requirement but it helps in finding out what your recipient might like and since I'm a huge fan of buying stuff my recipient really wants I'd want to make sure to find that sort of thing out.  I have a few days to decide what I'm going to do, but right now I'm thinking I'm not going to do it.  It would, though, be nice to get a Christmas present.  I don't get any anymore except what I buy myself and so it would be fun.  And it would be nice to buy stuff for someone and knowing exactly what that person wants.  We'll see.

The new Premiere Club model has been released.  I'm not in the PC but I really want this guy...
It's a new mold and they already have plans on a regular run color for him, too, but I also want this one.  Problem is, I'm not in the Premiere Club.  It looks like there's a very noticeable line of overspray along his crest, but I can overlook that for this one.  I already posted on Blab that I'd be willing to buy him if someone wants to stay in the club but doesn't want this model but I don't have much hope in getting one.  Not right away anyway.  I got the Kalahkaari after market and for a somewhat reasonable price but I'd prefer to get him at cost.

Today is laundry day.  Oh joy.  I also need to mail out my spooky swap.  I can't believe I ended up waiting until the deadline to mail it out.  There's that procrastination hard at work again.  Hahaha


  1. I always loved the Blab swaps but after one where my "victim" didn't even bother to notify me, actually just posted she was so disappointed it ruined it for me. I put a lot of work into that and if I had known it wasn't her thing I'd have asked for it back as I loved it! I just chalked it up to her perhaps being in a bad place but it sure stung. But I sure did enjoy the other times :). I rarely go to Blab anymore either, feel invisible there and find that I don't really miss it.

  2. I feel the same way, which is why I don't visit as often anymore. And the Secret Santa swap is different from the others in that you don't make a custom model for someone. I always fear someone will react the same way to the model I sent but I already know I suck. One of my swap partners didn't bother to send me a message to thank me when she got her stuff, she just posted on Blab she'd received it and said she would post pictures but was never heard from again on that thread. It bummed me out but I didn't let it stop me from doing the Halloween swap. I probably won't do anymore stablemate swaps, thou. That's horrible someone would post that they were disappointed in what they got. If I didn't like what I got I would still say thank you.

  3. I've done a few of the xmas swaps and you are right, it takes a bit of sleuthing and constant checking for questions. I've always subscribed to the thread and had it emailed to me so you could do that also.

  4. I've been thinking about doing it, thanks for saying about it, i wouldn't have had a clue as I don't go on overly often, always miss out on the SM Swaps they do. That's horrible someone would actually say they were disappointed!! The one and only SM Swap I have done, the horse I received was lovely, not a mold I'm particularly fond of but he still has a place on my shelf all the same. I really appreciate the time and effort the person put into him, whether they paint alot or not much.

  5. From some of the comments on that SS thread, I think there are several people who think it's a Stablemate swap. If you go in and look at last year's "Thank You" thread, you'll see some of the stuff people were getting. This is more like a regular Secret Santa where you send gifts and not a custom SM.
