Monday, August 3, 2015

Test Your Trail Ride Savvy...

Isaw this on my Facebook wall and of course I  had to take the quiz.  It is courtesy of Horse & Rider Magazine.  Take the test and tomorrow I will give you the scoring guidelines and tell you how I  did.

It’s a beautiful day, perfect for a trail ride on your favorite horse. You grab a few items, saddle up, and look forward to an hour or two of some blissful outdoor R&R.
Is that the result you’re likely to get? It depends. Going out on trails simply isn’t as secure and predictable as riding in an arena, and that’s true even of the most familiar trail you ride. You can have a problem or make a wrong judgment call just as easily when you’re half a mile from home as you can while riding the backcountry. The key is to be prepared, be alert, and keep small mishaps from escalating.
Though you can’t predict everything that might happen on your rides, you can learn and practice fundamental trail smarts that’ll boost your safety and perhaps even help you get out of a jam. Rate your trail savvy by taking the test that follows. We’ll help you brush up in areas where you may find yourself to be lacking.

1. Your horn bag has an exterior pocket for carrying a beverage. You take:
A: A bottle of water.
B: An energy drink.
C: A beer or wine cooler.

2. You ride with a cell phone in case of emergency. You carry it:
A: In a belt holster.
B: In a saddle bag.
C: In your hand.

3. Your horse’s trail-riding headgear consists of:
A: His bridle, placed over his halter.
B: Bridle only; you carry a halter.
C: Bridle only, no halter.

4. Your own headgear consists of:
A: A protective riding helmet.
B: A Western hat or ball cap.
C: Nothing, your head is bare.

5. You pack a pair of saddlebags with supplies for a full day’s ride. You:
A: Balance the bags by weight, using a scale.
B: Put food in one bag and all else in the other.
C: Fill one side; use the other for trash. 

6. When you go out alone, you always:
A: Leave word with someone.
B: Carry a cell phone.
C: Do neither of the above.
7.A fallen tree blocks your trail, so you:
A: Assess from horseback; turn back if necessary.
B: Attempt to get around the tree by going off-trail.
C: See if you can get your horse to jump it.

8. At a trailhead, your horse backs out of the trailer minus a shoe. You:
A: Apply a pre-sized protective hoof boot.
B: Improvise something with duct tape.
C: Ride your horse with his bare foot.

9. Your group stops as one rider tightens her cinch. You:
A: Keep your horse clear of others as you wait.
B: Pass around some snacks.
C: Hook a knee over the pommel and rest.

10. Your horse balks at muddy footing. You:
A: Assess first, then decide what to do.
B: Kick or spur your horse forward.
C: Dismount and lead him across



  1. Ok, I'll bite :)
    1. A
    2. A
    3. A
    4. C (Again, I know the answer is supposed to be A, but I rarely rode with anything on my head. I now have a Troxel rebel helmet that I wear most of the time.)
    5. A
    6. A
    7. A (unless we're on a trail I know well, then B)
    8. N/A (we're barefoot all the time, though the answer is supposed to be A - put on a boot)
    9. A
    10. A

  2. Hahahaha. I think you probably got a near perfect score and since question 8 doesn't apply since your horse is barefoot and you now wear a helmet most of the time... we'llcall it perfect, especially since you know what the "right" answer should be...But then again, you're literally a pro at trail riding. :)
