I don't remember if I posted about it before, the World Cup being held in Las Vegas, NV in 2015. If I did say anything about it, it was about wanting to go, but then looking at the costs and realizing it's way too expensive because I'd have to buy a plane ticket and rent a car and get a hotel plus decide if I wanted to see the show jumping or dressage more and it would end up being too expensive. Anyway, today I got an email about tickets again and I decided to look at it again. As much as I enjoy Musical Freestyle Dressage, I think I would have more enjoyment at the Show Jumping portion, especially if the big names are going to be there such as Beezie Madden, Margie Engle, McLain Ward etc etc so that takes away from having to decide between the two and being bummed about not being able to afford both. All of this was before I'd boughten my car so I now no longer need to fly and rent a car since Las Vegas is only about 5 1/2 hours from where I live so it's totally do-able and I can probably get there on one tank of gas. Maybe. There's a feature on MapQuest where you can indicate what kind of car you have and it'll figure out gas costs. So really, my biggest epxense would be the entry ticket and when you look at it, the cost is nominal considering it's for the entire event and not just a couple of nights. I'd probably only go for one night, maybe two. So after that is taken care of, there's the matter of lodging. That's not something I'm currently worried about right now.
So that brings us to the question of, would YOU go? You know, if you lived close enough to drive there and were even interested in going. Nothing this big in the horse show world happens this close to where I live because it's usually all on the East Coast. We have big rodeos here. Whoop. Whoop. My birthday is in April...2 weeks before the event...so I could say it's my birthday gift to myself. Or, should the fact that I can't make up my mind be an indicator that I shouldn't go because I'm not 100% on board. Or maybe I'm overthinking it too much and should just go...? hahaha. I don't know. It would be super cool to see some of the riders I've admired for years compete. And if there was even the slightest opportunity to maybe get to meet some of them. I'm sure they'll be focused on their riding so I wouldn't want to interfer with that, but just to be around so many great riders...
Would you go if you had the opportunity?
I would totally go and I would definitely choose show jumping!
Thank you for your input. If I can make it happen ($$$) I am definitely going to try to go .