Wednesday, December 31, 2014

To be continued...?

As I sit here, on the eve of a brand new year, I wonder what direction to take this blog. Mostly, whether or not I should even continue it. I don't think anyone finds it particularly interesting. All I ever post about are the wild horses I sometimes see and occasionally about Breyers. I know people read it. I see the numbers. I just don't know why. I don't make model tack that everyone drools over. I couldn't paint a decent custom to save my life. I don't own any real horses or go horseback riding so I can't thrill you with my latest trail adventures. All I can do is take okay pictures. I just don't know what I want to do. Maybe a break is the answer, but I'd likely post about the same things when I came back. I've actually tried to discontinue this blog a couple of times, but something always drew me back. I just don't know.

As we sit here on the eve of a new year, none of us know what's in store for us. My wish for everyone is a fulfilling life and a happy one. I hope you all get what you want out of this crazy adventure. I wish good health for everyone. If you go out tonight to celebrate the changing of 2014 to 2015, please be careful. There are a lot of crazy and scary people out there who don't know their limits or refuse to accept them and get behind the wheel anyway. If I come back in the new year, I would like everyone who reads this "thing" to come back, too, and with all the body parts and people they left 2014 with.

Until next time...


  1. Please continue this blog! I love reading the things you post, especially of the wild horses, because I have never had a chance to see them and your pictures of them are really cool! You don't have to make amazing tack/customs or ride horses to write a blog, all you need to do is to write.

  2. Thank you. That's very nice of you to say. :)
